Below is a Heated Rivalry timeline of Ilya and Shane’s relationship.
I am obsessed with Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid and wanted to create a chronological timeline of events as they happen in the book.
For Reference:
Preseason Camps – September
Normal NHL Season – October to April
NHL Playoffs – May to June
Off-season – July and August
In the Heated Rivalry timeline below, an asterisk* marks when Ilya & Shane hooked-up. I usually use the appropriate word for each sexual encounter, but then I thought Google might tag my comments as porn, so I changed to abbreviations.

December 23, 2008 – Regina/Saskatchewan
- World Jr Hockey Championships
- Rozanov & Hollander meet for the first time while Rozanov is smoking. Rozanov is attracted to Hollander’s freckles.
- Russia win Gold, Canada Silver
Following 6 months
- Hollander obsessed with Rozanov.
May 2009 – Hollander turns 18
June 2009 – Rozanov turns 18
June 2009 – Los Angeles
- NHL Draft: Rozanov #1, Hollander #2
- Hollander & Rozanov meet in the hotel gym and feel electricity/desire between them
- First time Hollander is sexually attracted to a man
Following 6 months
- Rozanov fantasizes about Hollander and knows Hollander wanted him in the gym
- Hollander breaks up with girlfriend, starts noticing men sexually, fantasizes about Rozanov
December 31, 2009 – Ottawa
- World Jr Hockey Championships
- Canada Gold, Russia Silver
July 2010 – Toronto*
- CCM shoot
- Hollander gets hard looking at Rozanov’s behind, Rozanov gets hard in reaction & then strokes himself
- Rozanov comes to Hollander’s hotel room: Rozanov kisses Hollander, Hollander opens Rozanov’s pants and strokes his cock and starts to suck him and then gives him a bj on the bed. Rozanov reciprocates.
September 2010 – Montreal
- NHL training camps begin
- Rozanov brags that he will score 50 goals by end of February
October 2010 – Montreal
- Hollander & Rozanov’s first NHL game against each other. Hollander very nervous. Rozanov distracted by Hollander. Montreal wins.
- Rozanov’s brother calls for money, again, then sees Hollander on TV and is terrified because he feels something.
January 2011 – Nashville*
- All-Star Skills Competition & Game
- Rozanov has scored 38 goals, Hollander 41
- Rozanov thinks about Hollander a lot.
- Hollander/Rozanov press conference
- Shot accuracy competition – Hollander wins with a new record
- Rozanov invites Hollander to his hotel room.
- Hollander lunges to kiss Rozanov, who then tells him to get on his knees. Rozanov asks Hollander to let him fuck him, but settles for beating each other off in the shower.
- Add each other to their phones as Lily (Rozanov) and Jane (Hollander).
February 2011 – Montreal*
- Hollander refuses to give Rozanov his address and makes a hotel reservation instead
- Montreal defeats Boston
- Rozanov lifts Hollander, who wraps his legs around Rozanov’s waist. Rozanov carries him to the bed and they have intercourse for the first time; Hollander losing his virginity.
June 2011 – Las Vegas
- NHL Awards – Hollander wins rookie of the year.
- Each scored 67 goals, both teams eliminated in first round.
- Hollander goes to the roof to get air and finds Rozanov alone.
- Rozanov says, “Not everything is about you, Hollander,” because he has to go back to Russia.
- Rozanov aggressively kisses Hollander.
2011-2012 NHL Season*
- Hooked up when teams met for the first time
- Nothing else for this season
October 2013 – Boston*
- Boston beat Montreal in OT
- Hooked up in a hotel room
December 2013 – Montreal*
- Rozanov befriends Ryan Price (Book #3 – Tough Guy) on flight
- Rozanov sexy texts Hollander before a game for the first time
- Hook up in Hollander’s building for the first time
- Hollander came without being touched – both laughed about it
January 2014 – location??? *
- Hollander & Rozanov hook up in a hotel room
February 2014 – Sochi, Russia
- Winter Olympics
- Hollander sees Team USA members who mention that being gay is illegal in Russia.
- Hollander worries about Rozanov and texts him.
- Rozanov under a lot of pressure from government and father, but the Russian team lost. Rozanov’s dad is memory was deteriorating.
- Hollander talks to Rozanov at a game and gets rebuked – Rozanov clearly nervous.
Following 4 months
- Rozanov & Hollander don’t talk at all
- Bears win Stanley Cup and Hollander is proud of Rozanov
June 2014 – Las Vegas*
- NHL Awards
- Hollander & Rozanov present Most Sportsmanlike Award & do selfies, then meet up in a bathroom
- Rozanov won MVP
- Met in Rozanov’s suite where he makes Hollander masturbate for him and then fucked him.
- Later Hollander’s disappointed when he realizes they didn’t even kiss.
Summer 2014 –
- Rozanov in Russia
2014-2015 NHL Season
- Nothing for this season
2015-2016 NHL Season
- Starting using Rozanov’s penthouse for Boston hookups
Oct 2016 – Montreal*
- Boston beats Montreal
- Rozanov comes to Hollander’s building
- Serious, breathless gaze; tender kiss; Rozanov calls Hollander beautiful
October 2016 – Philadelphia
- Rozanov watches Hollander get a goal on the big screen and is happy for him
October 2016 – Montreal
- Hollander spends day with Hayden & kids at aquarium
October 2016 – Washington
- Rozanov watches ESPN video about Hollander’s summer cottage
- “Over 6 seasons” at this point
- Rozanov can’t deny he is drawn to Hollander and wants him more
November 2016 – Boston*
- Hollander meets up with Rozanov in his penthouse.
- Rozanov wants sex with Hollander on top so Rozanov can see Hollander’s face – which makes Hollander nervous. During sex Rozanov holds Hollander’s hand and calls him “sweetheart”. Hollander feels anxiety because Rozanov is too tender (like the last time they were together).
- Rozanov kisses him adoringly and convinces Hollander to stay the night.
- They make out without escalating – first time
- Rozanov makes food for him and had bought him ginger ale ahead of time.
- Hollander’s uncomfortable because they “weren’t boyfriends” and he didn’t know how to act when they were just hanging out.
- Hollander & Rozanov say they both like girls, but Rozanov also says he likes Hollander.
- Rozanov gets a call from his father.
- Hollander realizes no one makes him feel like Rozanov does and it’s a huge revelation.
- Hollander gave them a dual hand job and when Rozanov came he used Shane’s name for the first time. They are both terrified and Shane whisper’s Ilya’s name. Ilya kisses Shane breathless and then they just breathe together. Shane freaks out and leaves.
November 2016 – Montreal
- Shane meets JJ at a club where he meets Rose Landry.
December 2016 – Detroit
- Ilya finds out Shane is dating Rose.
- For the next few weeks Shane & Rose keep dating
January 2017 – Boston
- Ilya pissed that Shane & Rose have been dating
January 2017 – Montreal (one week later)
- Boston plays in Montreal and Shane gets a text from Rose (not Ilya) and meets her at a club.
- Ilya refuses to text Shane and goes with his teammates to a club.
- Shane was dancing with Rose and Ilya saw them, so he starts making out with a lady and Shane sees that. He walks over to them and stares. Ilya sees that Shane was watching them.
January 2017 – Montreal (one week later)
- Rose takes Shane out and asks him if he’s gay and agree to just be friends.
- Ilya sleeps with Svetlana, but realizes that no one does it for him like Shane and he’s afraid Shane is with Rose permanently.
January 2017 – Tampa Bay*
- All-Star weekend
- Ilya had not texted Shane since he called him Shane 2 months earlier.
- Shane admits he ended things with Rose and hired a personal stylist.
- Ilya played in the pool with the player’s kids and teases Shane.
- Ilya and Shane played perfectly together on the same team.
- Shane was sitting on the beach and Ilya sat next to him and held his hand.
- They meet in Ilya’s hotel room and Shane asked if Ilya felt the change the last time they were together. Ilya denied it and Shane tells him he’s gay. Ilya admits the last time was nice, but they can’t be more. Shane admits he likes Ilya too much and Ilya tells him it is impossible and then tells him all about his dad, brother and that his mom was dead.
- They had sex and it was different with a heaviness of their encounters.
- Ilya wants to know when he can have him “for as long as I want?” Ilya wants to take him somewhere, but admits he has to go to Russia for the summer and Shane to the cottage.
February 2017 – Montreal/Boston
- Ilya and Shane texted each other just to chat for the first time.
- Ilya fantasizes about Shane.
March 2017 – Boston*
- Ilya convinces Shane to come to his hotel a few hours before a game and they hook up.
- Ilya tells Shane about his dad dying and his stepmom being desperate and admits he likes talking to his dad with the Alzheimer’s. Ilya says he is going to Russia for the summer.
- Boston wins game and Ilya plans on hooking up with Shane again – he wanted to be with Shane as much as possible and was ok with Shane knowing that.
- Ilya’s brother calls.
- The next morning everyone finds out that Ilya was not with his team. Shane texts Ilya. After his game, he calls Ilya (first time ever). Ilya tells Shane his dad is dead.
March 2017 – Buffalo/Moscow
- Ilya calls Shane and tells him how everyone is treating him terribly. Shane tells Ilya to talk to him in Russian, which he does, sharing all his feelings as well as admitting he was “pretty sure I’m in love with you.” Shane doesn’t understand, but tells Ilya he wishes they were together.
- Next day, they talk again and Shane is really there for Ilya. Ilya asks questions about Shane’s apartment. Ilya talks about becoming a Canadian citizen and getting married (not to each other) for green cards. Shane invites Ilya to his cottage for the summer. First time they had a conversation not about sex or hockey. Shane admits to himself he wants Ilya to be his boyfriend.
- Next day, Ilya & Shane skype and Ilya sees Shane’s glasses for the first time and loves them. Ilya asks to see his bedroom and then they have video sex, but Shane asks to see Ilya’s face during it. Ilya tells Shane he’s beautiful and that his freckles are stunning, “take my breath” and admits the very first time he met Shane he was attracted to his freckles. They admit they think of each other when they masturbate and Shane admits he has never had anything like what they have with anyone else. Shane tells Ilya about the 2 other men he has had sex with. Shane says he hasn’t come since he saw Ilya last (about a week ago). They admit they were attracted to each other in the gym the night of the draft and both went back to their rooms and beat off. After simultaneously coming, Ilya says in Russian, “I’m fucked. I am so fucking in love and it’s horrible.” Shane kisses his fingers and touches the screen before saying goodnight. Ilya can’t believe he’s fallen in love with Shane Hollander.
April 2017 – Montreal
- Shane & Ilya chat briefly at center ice confirming their plans to meet after the game at Shane’s building. They play against each other having fun and smiling and then Shane gets slammed against the boards and knocked out cold.
- Ilya won’t leave Shane’s side as they take Shane away on a spinal board.
- Next morning, Ilya goes to hospital to see Shane. They hold hands and Shane again asks Ilya to come to the cottage that summer. Ilya knows his heart has entered into it and says maybe.
May 2017 – Ottawa
- Ilya in playoffs, but Boston loses to New York.
- Shane admits to himself that he is in love with Ilya and thinks about telling his parents that he is gay.
June 2017 – Boston/Ottawa
- New York wins the NHL Championship and Scott Hunter (Book #1 – Game Changer) kisses his boyfriend on TV, compelling Ilya to agree to come to Shane’s cottage.
July 2017 – Ottawa*
- Shane picks up Ilya at the airport, but they are both panicked and terrified. Neither one of them had had sex since March, the last time they had been together.
- Shane suggests they be honest about their feelings, but Ilya is afraid he’ll tell Shane he loves him.
- Mutual bjs and cuddling on the couch followed.
- They play “hockey” in the indoor rink and Ilya tells Shane he went to a gay club after the NHL Awards.
- In Shane’s bedroom, Ilya admits he has wanted to have sex in Shane’s bedroom for years. Shane is surprised.
- Ilya gave Shane a rim job and they had sex. Ilya almost said, “I love you.”
- Next day, they work out, lounge by the pool, go jet skiing, and give each other hand jobs in the boathouse.
- Shane grilled burgers and Ilya draped his arm over Shane and kissed him outdoors. Ilya makes fun of Shane’s “boring” and they talk about Shane’s parents accepting him as gay. Shane really wants Ilya to meet his parents, to spend the summers with him and making a home together.
- At this point, they had been together for 7 years.
- They have a bonfire and Ilya doesn’t get it – watching the fire burn and poking it. A loon calls out and Ilya thinks it’s a wolf. “Stupid Canadian wolf bird” Shane makes a loon call and Ilya asks if he speaks bird now. “I speak fluent bird. No accent!” They laugh and talk. Ilya tells Shane that his mom committed suicide (14 years earlier when Ilya was 12) due to depression.
- They play a hockey video game as each other when Hayden calls. Ilya gives Shane a bj while he’s on the phone.
- Ilya tells Shane about his plan to get traded to a Canadian team.
- Next day, Ilya tells Shane he could marry Svetlana for citizenship only, but he has a problem. “I cannot stop thinking about this short fucking hockey player with these stupid freckles and a weak backhand” and that he doesn’t want the problem to ever go away. Shane tells him straight out not to marry Svetlana and that they can figure something else out.
- Next day, Ilya tells Shane his idea for playing for a western team to kill their rivalry.
- Late that night, Shane lays out his plan for Ilya to play for Ottawa and they start a charity together. “When we both retire. We can… be together. For real.” Ilya can’t believe Shane thinks that far ahead and wants to be together. He turns away from Shane, who starts to freak out, but then rolls on top of him kissing him and speaking Russian and then says, “I love you.” Shane reacts by saying, “Holy shit,” but then says I love you back. They are both so happy and relieved and make love. They decide on their charity, cause, and name.
- Ilya & Shane play at the dock and in the water. Shane’s phone on the deck rings. They talk about fantasizes and get each other off. They swam and then went back to the house to eat, but on the deck they kiss passionately. They hear a noise and Shane’s dad is watching them. He leaves and the guys follow him. Shane says his parents will not like Ilya’s Boston Bears t-shirt. “Oh, do they not know I play for Boston?” They drive to Shane’s parents’ house tell his parents that he is gay and that they love each other. Ilya tells them that he has been with lots of women, but “I have only been in love with one person.” Then Shane’s mom went “full Yuna Hollander on this situation.” They told his parents their Ottawa/Montreal plan and then headed home.
- They discuss the Ottawa plan and the future and Ilya gives Shane a bj to distract him. But they keep talking about the future and it’s difficulties and Shane says, “I’m playing the long game here.”
2017-2018 Season (book) or October 2018 (audiobook) – Montreal
- Shane comes out as gay to his teammates.
A month later or November 2018 (book vs. audiobook) – Montreal
- Hayden figures out that Shane is seeing Ilya.
November 2018 (16 months later) – Montreal
- Ilya is playing for Ottawa and Shane accuses him of tripping. Hayden knows about Ilya but still doesn’t like him. “Oh no! How can I impress Montreal’s fifteenth best player?”
November 2018 (next day) – Montreal
- Shane & Ilya hold a press conference announcing that they are friends and are starting The Irina Foundation. Ilya talks about his mother’s battle with depression and insinuated her suicide. They spent the next 2 hours in a hotel room, just like they started their relationship.