I was awarded a Spin Master Holiday Game Night by Tryazon. We received three games to play and review: Hedbanz, The Sock Game, and Reverse Charades. All games are by Spin Master.

How do you play Hedbanz?

Hedbanz has enough head bands for 6 people. If you want to play with a larger group you will either need to buy multiple games or come up with your own kind of head band. Each person chooses a card and without looking at it and inserts it in their headband so the rest of the group can see it. You can be a person or thing. You get one minute to ask yes or no questions about who or what you are. Then it is the next person’s turn. When you have guessed correctly, you get another card.
My Hedbanz Review.
Since we couldn’t play this with a large group, we just played it with our family of four. We found that only I was able to ask questions that led to helpful clues… like “Do we own this?” “Do I like this?” “Have we ever had this in our home?” It was pretty hard. We started giving more info than just yes or no, because no one could guess correctly and people were getting frustrated. This was not my favorite game.
How do you play The Sock Game?
There are 2 socks and you fill each with identical small items… a poker chip, a rubber band, an eraser, etc. We spilled out each sock before the game began and let everyone look at what was in them. Everyone is divided into two teams. Then one player from each team go up against each other. Someone spins the spinner to see what they have to find. Each player then sticks their hand in a sock and tries to find the piece by feel only and pull it out. The one who does it first gets their team a point. First team to 11 points wins.
My Review of The Sock Game.
This was my favorite game. We divided the 18 people at our party into two teams and went down the line. The youngest person was 5 and the oldest was 50-something. Everyone had a blast! It was equally matched. Kids could go up against adults with no problem. And it was hysterical to see the men with big hands try and do it. In the end, one team won by only 1 point, which was perfect.
How do you play Reverse Charades?
This game is definitely better with bigger groups. We had four teams of four people. As opposed to regular charades where one person acts out the clue and everyone else guesses, in Reverse Charades, one person was the guesser and everyone else in the group acted out the clue.
My Reverse Charades Review.
This game was the most popular with my guests and it was pretty darn fun. We had 4 teams of 5 families and pitted them against each other. Some families did a great job working together to act out the clue. Other families just acted out the clues as individual people, making it harder for the guesser, because they were trying to watch everyone at once. When it wasn’t your turn, you just watched the other families. That was so much fun and people were laughing hysterically.

Spin Master Holiday Game Night Wrap-up
I held a party with 5 families, 18 people in all with ages ranging from 5 to 57. The families loved all the games, but Reverse Charades was the biggest winner with the crowd.
Normally, companies give extra copies of the games to giveaway to guests or coupons to buy them online. Unfortunately, Spin Master did not do this. So, we chose to give away Hedbanz, because I hate not giving my guests anything. We did a drawing and the Stephens family won!
For more info: http://www.spinmastergames.com/game-detail.php?pid=p21396
To purchase: https://www.amazon.com/HedBanz-Game-Family-Guessing-vary/dp/B003AIM52A/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=hedbanz&qid=1577223745&sr=8-2
The Sock Game:
To purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Sock-Game-Hilarious-Family-Kids/dp/B07B8334MN/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+sock+game&qid=1577223948&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-1
Reverse Charades:
For more info: http://www.spinmastergames.com/game-detail.php?pid=p30832
To purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Reverse-Charades-Fast-Paced-Family-Party/dp/B07MKCTTK2/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2GY96W6K8HZ37&keywords=reverse+charades&qid=1577224035&s=toys-and-games&sprefix=reverse+ch%2Ctoys-and-games%2C192&sr=1-4
Thanks to:
Spin Master, the makers of all three games and Tryazon.
#Tryazon #gamesquad #spinmastergames
@spinmastergames @tryazon